The models, the influencers, the actors - you don’t have to completely purge your feed but ask if you genuinely want to see what they post. In the process of my research, I spoke to several people who carried out an “unfollow spree” and saw it as a step forward in maturity. As teenagers, people were said to be less picky about who they followed. Getting older, they were more deliberate.
“I did not think that the people I interacted with had an affect on my mental health, and thought that following fitness influencers was an inspiration to eat healthier and exercise more,” one participant said, “Eventually I realised what a toll it was taking on my own body image, and chose to unfollow a few people whose posts I would've interacted with regularly. I hadn't realised what a toll it had taken before, but just from following people who looked more like me made my confidence grow significantly, and I was really surprised that such a simple thing made such a difference.”